I.                   COURSE DESCRIPTION

A. Length of course:           18 weeks  

B. Instructor:                      Cali Acuff     Room 153    phone ext: 1051

C. Textbook:                      Glencoe Algebra II 



A.                 Follow Mrs. Acuff�s classroom requirements and all CHS policies

B.                 Keep a three ring notebook

1.                  Loose-leaf paper and three dividers. (Three tabs: Act bell ringers, class notes and assignments and Quizzes)

2.                  Neat and labeled homework, notes and tests

3.                  In the front of the notebook you must have a pencil bag with your ID and plenty of pencils and pens

C.                 When you return from being absent

1.                  Copy the notes you missed from someone in class

2.                  Get your assignments you missed from the assignment note book along with any papers

3.                  Complete all homework and turn in within a week

4.                  Make-up any missed Quizzes or tests during tutoring hours after or before school

5.                  Sign in the notebook under the TV to verify absences

D.                 Keep up with your grades and progress

1.                  Record all homework assignments and quizzes in your notebook

2.                  Record you grade in your notebook

3.                  Your current average will be posted using your school ID number along with all your individual grades on a regular basis

4.                   A progress report will be sent home about every three weeks



A.������� Analyzing Equations and Inequalities

B.                  Graphing Linear Relations and Functions

C.                  Solving Systems of Linear Equations and Inequities

D.                 Using Matrices

E.                  Exploring Quadratic Functions and Inequalities

F.                   Exploring Polynomials and Radical Expressions

G.                 Investigating probability

H.                 Exploring Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

I.                   Applications of graphing calculators

J.                   ACT preparation



A.                 Work is done on standard size notebook loose leaf paper.  8.5� X 11�

B.                 In the top right hand corner the student first and last name, date, block and complete description of the assignment, test or quiz.

C.                 All work is shown; each problem is labeled in numerical order and all answers are highlighted.

D.                 Space is left for each problem not completed so that it can be filled in later.

E.                  Staples are in the upper right hand corner with pages neatly stacked and in order.

F.                  All work is done down the page in a column, not across the page.


V.               EVALUATION

A.     Daily grades will be complied from the following evaluations:

1.      Homework grades     5 to 20 pts each assignment

2.      Quizzes                     about 15 to 40 pts each

3.      Notebook Quizzes     about 20 to 40 pts each

4.      Chapter test               100 pts each

5.      These grades will make up 85% of your average

B.     Each grade will be given a point value.  To calculate the student�s daily average, the total points earned will be divided by the total points possible.

C.     Each quarter exam will be worth 15% of the nine weeks average



A.     Three ring notebook

B.     Lots of loose leaf paper

C.     Pencil/pen holder with several writing utensils

D.     Two highlighters

E.      Dividers

F.      Scientific Calculator (TI-30 at least preferred TI-83+)


VII.         Requirements for Being a Member Of Class

A. Come to Class Totally Prepared  

1. Textbook

2. Notebook-highlighters, pencils, paper, homework

3. Calculator

     B. Be on time

1.      Before the bell rings go to the bathroom and get your snacks.  BE IN YOUR SEAT or taking care of team responsibilities.

2.      Complete ACT bell ringer or other assignment on overhead.

                 C.  Always contribute to the class atmosphere

1.      Make sure all questions and comments are about the topic management has for the class

2.      Ask questions and share ideas and comments with the class often

3.      Help the classroom stay neat and clean

4.      Remain seated until the bell rings

     DKeep up all your team responsibilities

1.      All team jobs must be done correctly

2.      Do them in the time they are scheduled to be done

3.      Pull your own weight.

     E.  Always give your best effort

1.      Do your own work

2.      No one should ever have another person�s paper copying.

3.      Test and quizzes must be done without help from anyone or anything else.

4.      Do what the teacher asks the first time.

5.      Follow the school handbook.  Dress code is an issue: no ripped pants, no nose rings, no hoods or hats, no cleavage or mid drift showing. Hats and nose and tongue rings will be taken up and returned 1 to 5 days later.


A.     Warning

B.     Detentions (15, 30, 45 minutes)

C.     Parent Contact

D.     Referral to Principal